External Resources

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Third-Party Projects

Writer for sending log messages to HUMIO using the Ingest API

Writer for sending log messages to a GELF compatible server like Graylog2 or logstash

Configuration loader for YAML and JSON configuration files

Example Projects

Example Android app for demonstrating logging with tinylog

Example Eclipse plug-in for using tinylog as logging framework

Example with tinylog for creating a native image with GraalVM

Example Java EE application for logging with tinylog

Example for re-configuring tinylog at runtime

Example Spring Boot application for logging with tinylog

Example application for configuring tinylog via Typesafe’s Config

Articles and Tutorials

Java Logger의 또다른 식구, tinylog
Korean article about tinylog 2 by 지마켓 박규민

Lightweight Logging With tinylog 2
English basic tutorial about issuing log entries and configuring tinylog 2 by baeldung

Spring Boot integration lightweight logging framework tinylog
English tutorial for using tinylog as logging back-end for Spring Boot by springcloud.io

tinylog – Rolling File Writer Tutorial
English tutorial for tinylog’s rolling file writer by App Shah

tinylog – Lightweight, Simplified logging framework for Java
English “Hello World” tutorial and logging level details by App Shah

Schlankes Logging mit tinylog 2.3
German tutorial about using tinylog 2.3 with a focus of differences to other logging frameworks by Martin Winandy

tinylog Tutorial
English tutorial about the main features of tinylog 2 with GitHub source code examples by mkyong

Java-Logging-Framework tinylog 2.2 komprimiert Log-Dateien mit GZIP
German news article about the release of tinylog 2.2 by Alexander Neumann

Improve Your Exceptions Logging with Tinylog 2.1
English article about clearer exceptions logging with tinylog 2.1 by Martin Winandy

tinylog 2.1: Java-Logging-Framework bringt übersichtlichere Exceptions
German news article about the release of tinylog 2.1 by Martin Winandy

Java-Logging-Framework tinylog in Version 2.0 erschienen
German news article about the release of tinylog 2.0 by Alexander Neumann

Better logging with TinyLog 2
English article about tinylog 2 by Erik Pragt

Welches Logging-Framework für Java nutzen?
German comparison of multiple logging frameworks including tinylog 2


Introduction to tinylog
English YouTube video about tinylog 2 by Siva Reddy

tinylog implementation for Maven project
English YouTube video that shows step by step how to use tinylog 2 in a Maven project by Siva Reddy