Getting Started

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  1. Download tinylog 2.7.0 and add tinylog-api.jar and tinylog-impl.jar to your classpath. If you use a build tool such as Maven or Gradle, you can add both JAR files as dependencies.

  2. Add a logging statement to your application:

    import org.tinylog.Logger;
    public class Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
  "Hello World!");

    As you can see, tinylog has a static logger. Therefore, it is not necessary to create an instance of the logger class.

  3. When you run this small application, you will see the following output in the console:

    2018-03-31 18:15:32 [main] Application.main()
    INFO: Hello World!
  4. You can configure tinylog by creating a properties file with the name in the default classpath. If you use a build tool such as Maven or Gradle, it is usually located at src/main/resources. For plain IDE projects, it is usually located directly at src along with source files and packages.


    writer        = console
    writer.format = {date: HH:mm:ss.SSS} {level}: {message}
  5. When you run the application, you will now see the following output in the console:

    18:29:57.382 INFO: Hello World!

    For a detailed documentation of all configuration parameters, see the configuration page, and for all logging methods, see the logging page.